Vision Therapy Quiz Take the AssessmentAfter you consider each question, select the option that applies to the person you are assessing.Has trouble keeping centered on reading.* Never Sometimes Often Has difficulty completing tasks or homework on time.* Never Sometimes Often Skips or repeats lines while reading.* Never Sometimes Often Loses belongings or things.* Never Sometimes Often Reading comprehension low, or declines as day wears on.* Never Sometimes Often Reverses letters, numbers, or confuses similar words.* Never Sometimes Often Avoids doing near work such as reading.* Never Sometimes Often First response is "I can't" before trying.* Never Sometimes Often Is clumsy, accident prone, knocks things over.* Never Sometimes Often Has forgetful, poor memory.* Never Sometimes Often Total ScoreWhile you may not have the common symptoms indicating a visual problem, if you still suspect your vision isn't functioning normally, we recommend you call our office to further investigate your visual concerns It is possible you may be suffering from functional vision problems.It is likely you are suffering from problems with functional vision.You are showing definite signs of functional vision problems.Want to discuss your score? Leave us your info!Our team will contact you to discuss your results within 24-48 business hours. You can also call the office and ask them to check up your results as well.Name* First Last Phone*Email* Δ