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Personalized Vision Therapy Programs at Inclima Eye Care

Are you looking to improve your or your child's vision? Vision Therapy is a non-invasive method designed to enhance visual skills and abilities, making everyday life clearer and more comfortable.

Whether you're a parent concerned about your child's visual development or an adult tired of dealing with eye strain, headaches, or double vision, our vision therapy programs can help.

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Home » Eye Care Services » Vision Therapy

Vision therapy is like physical therapy for your eyes and brain. It's a series of exercises designed to improve how well your eyes work together and your brain processes what you see. These exercises help train your visual system to correct issues that glasses or surgery can't fix, making tasks like reading, writing, and sports easier.

While vision therapy is often linked to children, as their visual abilities are in the developmental stage, adults can benefit from treatment too.

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Ideal Candidates for Vision Therapy

The program can be beneficial for people of all ages who experience:

  • Strabismus (crossed eyes)
  • Amblyopia (lazy eye)
  • Binocular vision problems (difficulty coordinating the eyes together)
  • Visual-perceptual disorders
  • Difficulties with reading and learning
  • Eye strain or discomfort related to computer use or prolonged near work.

Enhancing Skills Through Vision Therapy

Vision therapy can improve various visual skills, including:

  • Eye Tracking: The ability to smoothly and accurately follow moving objects or quickly switch focus between multiple objects.
  • Eye Teaming: The skill to coordinate both eyes to focus on the same point simultaneously.
  • Focusing: The capacity to quickly and effectively adjust focus between near and far objects, maintaining clear vision.
  • Eye-Hand Coordination: The ability to synchronize visual information with physical movement, crucial for sports, handwriting, and daily tasks.
  • Visual Processing Speed and Accuracy: Enhancing how quickly and accurately you can process and respond to visual information.
  • Visual Memory: Improving the ability to remember visual information impacts reading comprehension and learning efficiency.

Visual Perceptual Skills: Skills that help interpret and understand visual information, such as recognizing patterns, shapes, and spatial relationships.

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Comprehensive Vision Therapy Solutions in West Haven

Inclima Eye Care’s skilled therapists conduct thorough assessments to identify specific visual challenges and develop a customized therapy plan. Our programs are designed to be engaging and effective, utilizing the latest techniques and tools in vision therapy.

Experience the difference that personalized vision therapy can make in your life. Contact us to learn about our services and how we can help you or your loved one see the world more clearly and comfortably.

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    Have your child take our quiz to discover if he/she has functional vision issues that stand in the way of his academic achievement and quality of life.